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Delivering on Digital : The Innovators and Technologies That Are Transforming Government

What if you could file your taxes or open a business online in mere minutes ? It's already possible in Estonia. So why are some US government agencies still running software from the 1960s with no upgrades in sight ? When HealthCare.gov went live in October 2013, many called the website a catastrophe. For the U.S. Federal government, however, the launch ultimately proved pivotal : it underscored the necessity of digital excellence in public institutions and inspired hundreds of the tech industry’s best and brightest to come to Washington with the singular mission to modernize government. So how do you take a government built on analog, industrial-era frameworks and redesign it as a fully digital state ? We must imagine a new kind of government. Imagine prison systems that use digital technology to return nonviolent offenders promptly and securely into society. Imagine a veterans health care system built around delivering a personalized customer experience for every Vet. We now have the digital tools (cloud computing, mobile devices, analytics) and the talent to stage a real transformation. This book provides the handbook to make it happen. William D. Eggers, author of nine books and a leading authority on government reform, shows how we can use tech-savvy teams, strong leadership, and innovative practices to reduce the risks and truly achieve a digitally transformed government.
William D. Eggers
Année de publication
Gestion, Informatique
Nombre de pages
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