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Pomodoro Technique Illustrated : The Easy Way to Do More in Less Time

Take back your day ! Do you ever look at the clock and wonder where the day went ? You spent all that time at work and didn't come close to getting everything done. Tomorrow, TRY SOMETHING NEW. Use the Pomodoro Technique. Originally developed by Francesco Cirillo, the Pomodoro Technique will help you work in focused sprints throughout the day. In Pomodoro Technique Illustrated, Staffan Nöteberg shows you how to organize your work to accomplish more in less time. You don't need for expensive software or fancy planners. You can get started with nothing more than paper, a pencil, and a kitchen timer. Apply proven techniques from software engineering to identify what you should be doing today and to help you achieve your goals. Your mind won't wander when it is fully engaged in short bursts of focused activity. Set the timer, and start on your next Pomodoro. When the bell, rings take a break. This personal approach to timeboxing is at the core of the Pomodoro Technique, and this book is filled with advice on how to get started and how to tailor it to your own needs.
Staffan Nöteberg
Année de publication
Gestion, Spiritualité/Croissance personnelle
Nombre de pages
Très bon état